The Mighty Green Future

What is MIGHTUS?

An indigenously developed micro turbine designed to revolutionize the process of producing electricity using the natural flow of water with minimal alterations to natural sources and maintaining ecological balance.

Mightus is the perfect answer to empower every nook and corner of a country of India’s magnitude in a most cost effective manner. Based on a blueprint designed to excel in demanding power conditions, Mightus has everything to provide power to an isolated home or a small community as an economical source of energy as compared to fossil fuels.



Easy to install at most rivers and canals

Ideal for existing tail race at hydro plants to optimize the usage of water

Minimal civil works

Rugged construction

Low cost


No ecology disturbance. Minimal cutting of trees

Reduces Carbon Footprint

Plug and Play

Safeguarding Climate Change

Standardized Production Capability


  • Even after a century of Hydro Power inception only 30% of the energy is tapped*
  • 1018 small hydro projects have been commissioned in India and the Tail Race potential
    lies hugely untapped.


  25kW 50kW 100kW
Head 5.5 – 8 Meters 5.5 – 8 Meters 5 – 8 Meters
Discharge 0.5 – 0.8 Cumecs 1 – 1.5 Cumecs 2 – 3 Cumecs


Plant Auxiliary Supply

Green Fields Projects

Construction Power

Community Power

Captive Power

Carbon Credit Exemption


Corporate CSR