
Yash Group is a young organisation growing rapidly and emerging strongly on the horizons of renewable energy with proven credentials. Backed by a technical collaboration with a European company, Yash Group is fully equipped to undertake assignments of hydro power projects in all industry prescribed models. Group’s in house manufacturing facility at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh is proudly delivering quality turbines to a roster of clients in India and outside.

From turnkey projects to EPC contracts. From providing civil and design skills for hydro projects to handling critical S&R assignments with value added responsibility and commitment…Yash Group is renewing victories everyday. Inspired by the hydro growth, the group is venturing into Solar Power with equal sincerity and dedication.

Yash Group has successfully integrated the dignity of all dimensions of the hydro power industry with eternal gratitude and  is now focused to redefine the renewable energy domain with product innovations, energy saving ideas for a greener and healthier future for all.

Mr. Dinesh Rajput
Managing Director & CEO
After almost 25 years being at the helm of hydropower management and development in various multinationals, Dinesh Rajput can be christened as HydroMan. He has been single-handedly instrumental in humanising hydropower expertise with global precision and Indian sharp insights. His problem-solving acumen and the knack to devise cost-effective solutions are the pillars that are complementing the ever-growing multi-faceted edifice of the Eternity Group. Under his astute leadership, the workforce index of 1 to 300 has been achieved in record time. The turnover of the group is getting in the impeccable habit of pushing the bar every quarter.

Ms. Nandini Rajput
Identifying or coming face to face with one’s life mission is perhaps the most defining moment in an individual’s life. It has the power to change everything and empower the concerned person beyond expectations of the self and definitions of the world. Nandini Rajput is one of the finest example of the woman power and aptitude. Reams have been written on the innate power of womanhood, this story trumps almost all of them. How the biggest triumph emerges from the most toughest of odds can be experienced by living the Eternity Life for a day with Nandini. Managing day to day operations, supervising very talented teams from discerning fields of engineering, industrial designing, marketing and hospitality with meticulous professionalism and heartwarming compassion…everything comes naturally and eternally to her.


To create a culture where people driven growth is the pathway to corporate growth. Happy individuals create happy teams and happy performers. An organisation should become a springboard of societal development, community betterment and professional landmarks. When empowering human values becomes a corporate mission…the universe rejoices!


To commit all resources, capabilities and expertise towards nurturing back nature to pristine health and green glory. To continuously push the envelope of indigenous product innovations with local insights and cost effective ideas. To become a proud Indian by creating a self-reliant nation in the arena of renewable energy